Little Miracles by Giselle Green

Little Miracles by Giselle Green

Author:Giselle Green [Giselle Green]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9780007320066
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Published: 2009-02-15T00:00:00+00:00

What time is it? I glance at the kitchen clock. Only five. That means it’ll be six in Spain. And I’ve got at least an hour before Charlie’s due home so if I’m going to ring Blue I’d better do it now.

I don’t want to ring him. But I’ve waited long enough. It’s been days since Maria failed to show up for our meeting and I’m desperate for news.

When I pick up the phone I hold it in my hand for an age before I dial his mobile and, even then, I dial the wrong number twice. The second time I don’t realise it till someone else picks up the phone and starts jabbering in Spanish and I click her off without trying to explain. Third time lucky. He’ll be surprised to hear from me, I have no doubt. I don’t want him getting the idea it’s okay to ring me back, though. I’m phoning him for information, that’s all; not a social call.

‘Hey!’ When he picks up he sounds more Spanish than I remember him.

‘Blue?’ I half cover up the mouthpiece so he won’t notice me breathing so hard. Charlie doesn’t want me contacting this guy. I shouldn’t be using the home phone either. I hope Blue doesn’t use this call to get my number.

‘Hi, it’s me, Julia Fearon.’

‘Julia?’ I can hear his ear-to-ear grin from here. ‘This is an unexpected pleasure. What can I do for you, my love?’

‘I just got your email. I thought it might be quicker to answer you by phone. Is that okay?’

‘Anytime. I’m all yours, as you know. In fact, I’m thinking of coming over to London some time soon. Perhaps we could meet for drinks?’

‘Sure. Keep me apprised.’ No, no and no way no! ‘Anyway, what you said about a possible ex-boyfriend of mine thinking it was his – absolutely not. That isn’t possible.’

‘You’ll know best,’ he accedes.

‘As for the question of when the fish was actually caught – that’s an anomaly, isn’t it? I can’t do any digging on that from here, but could you …?’

‘Anything for you. My pleasure.’

‘Thanks so much. I’m in your debt. I mean that. And … thanks for Maria’s address,’ I gush on. ‘I haven’t been able to get hold of her since she last rung me.’

‘I like the thought of Julia Fearon being in my debt,’ he teases, but that just buys him my silence so he changes tack. ‘You spoke. That’s good. And?’

‘She rang me at the end of March. We arranged to meet,’ I hurry on. ‘She sounded … urgent.’

‘A bit like you do right now?’ he offers.

‘That might be true,’ I gabble. And Maria hadn’t really sounded urgent, had she? More confused. But I need to impress on him the importance of this to me. ‘This is a bit urgent, actually. In fact, it might be nothing at all but I was wondering if you had any alternative number I could get her on? She agreed to meet me but she never showed.


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